It's that time of year again when the HUG board begins looking for the next site to host our Annual conference. We're currently taking Requests for Proposals (RFP) to bring the 2018 conference to your home property.

Please be aware that being the hosting property for the conference is considered to be a prestigious honor for a property from the membership. Your property will retain a great value in cost savings in travel and room & board costs by having the opportunity to allow your employees to attend as many educational sessions as they like during the duration of the conference for free (there is a fee for employees of the hosting property who wish to participate in meals and other functions above and beyond training sessions). Additionally, your property will have the distinct honor to host employees from some of the finest Luxury Resort properties the membership has to offer.

If your property is interested in submitting an RFP for the 2018 conference please review the basic requirements of being a host property, which can be found on our website at

All proposals must be submitted to Marie Bell's attention at no later than April 18th, 2017 in order to be eligible for consideration. The board will review all submissions and narrow down the properties which will then be visited by a review committee of (2) Board Members and the SMS Liaison to the board for final consideration.