Educational opportunities, inspiration, making connections, one-on-one sessions.

By Rich Moorehouse
The HUG board is going great guns prepping for the 30th Host Users’ Group Conference in Kohler, WI at The American Club, November 3 – 7, 2019. Those who attended in 2012 know this is a special place. Attendees who will make their first trip to The American Club are in for a unique experience. As we close in on the next rate increase for registration, I am asked what is the real value or ROI for the attendee. I will break down the down the dollars and sense (not a typo) for both first timers and those champions that come year over year.
When planning to attended (or asking) you are often asked what is HUG and why should we send anyone. The conference is a four-day jam packed event with over 90 educational opportunities including Hands On training, Tool Kit workshops, and industry focused sessions with guest speakers. Those returning to the conference know you can’t cover it all. This might help with some justification to bring two or three more people from your property.
Conferences can be expensive when you add up registration, travel, hotel, meals and more. The HUG conference offers learning opportunities, networking, and those Ah- Ha! Moments that can give you a different idea or creative solution to a particular challenge. The HUG conference is a great value to some other industry conferences many reaching $1200 a day or more really makes even the $699 late registration rate for the four day HUG conference an extreme value.

What’s the ROI of the Conference?
Educational Opportunities
The conference sessions go beyond SMS/Host software features for various hotel job tracks. There are sessions for SpaSoft users, Industry trends, and Vendor partner sessions. You can’t walk away from the conference without learning something new. Sessions are lead by SMS staff, seasoned users, and other industry experts. Session all are open learning environments and encourage audience participation especially on panel discussions. You never know who might have the answers you need.
Each session whether it’s a Keynote speaker, session leader, or a fellow attendee can give you ideas on a different and possibly a better way to do something. A lot of us work around people who don’t quite “understand” what we do. Being in a room full of others in the same positions will keep you on your toes and stimulate the conversation. People who know your struggles may have been there done that and have an idea for the your particular need. It’s a creative group that loves to share.
Making Connections
Whether you’re the guy who knows where all the bodies are buried at your property or, the “newbie” coming to your First HUG- You have something to contribute. Old dogs are always looking for new tricks to lead the pack and the rookies are hungry for knowledge and want to improve their skills. The idea sharing is definitely a highlight of the conference for me. The exchange also creates long term friendships that go beyond just the industry conversation.
1 on 1 Sessions with SMS personal
Beyond the session you can schedule one on one time with Springer-Millers’ top product experts and trainers for more details on an idea you heard in a session, help on a solution to a particular problem, or perhaps there is a SMS offering you want to know more about.
These partners are really a huge part in delivering an affordable conference. They are here to pitch their wares and client relations for those who have installed. If you are looking for an eCommerce solution, a data analyst system, revenue management tools, CRM solutions, Outward distribution, Forms, and many other enhancement tools are all in one place. You can ask for demos and references maybe get a candid response for another installed user.
Wednesday Night Decompression
By the time Wednesday night hits your head is about to burst with all your ideas, information and inspirations (hopefully you wrote them all down). Springer- Miller treats you to a themed Dinner and party, a nice way to close out the conference and unwind.
Meals included
Property welcome reception, daily breakfast, breaks, lunches, Networking HUG dinner (Monday), SMS Party on Wednesday has you pretty much covered. Tuesday night you are on your own but make plans with your new friends to explore the local haunts.
What’s the Breakdown of My Conference Registration?
Believe it or not your Registration fee does not cover the full cost of the conference. Thank you in part to Vendor Sponsorships and Springer-Miller not only through a financial contribution but the man power to lead so many sessions, and your HUG volunteer board. Their participation covers about 50% of the actual bill. Full conference registration is $659 per attendee ($699 after September 8th).
Food and Beverage $650 plus
That’s right food and beverage is our biggest expense. Your registrations covers 4 breakfasts, 3 lunches, Networking Dinner, breaks, and Wednesday’s SMS party. Whether it’s in our personal lives or business we bond over meals. It’s an informal way to share a table and meet new people and open a dialog.
Conference support, A/V, Sessions leaders and Mobile App $133.
We really could not put on a great conference without the support of the host property’s AV and Conference service crews. The Staging, lighting, and sound are important to the over all experience. Session leader Scholarships for those user lead sessions. This will be our seventh year offering a Mobile app – this helps with planning your conference, session reviews going paperless, and property maps.
Speakers $45
The Board every year searches for those Keynote speakers who will provide inspiration, motivation, or other take ways. Each speaker has their personal style some grab you attention through song, others humor, or physical talent. Whether industry related or life affirming messages surveys tell us they are always an added bonus of the conference. In addition we also provide scholarships for volunteer session leaders. (Contact to lead session and earn yours today)
Conference Materials, printing, shipping, and Swag $136
Teaser post cards, e-blast, conference journals, mailers and need a little creative and design set up before going to the printer. Signage, attendee lists, and other printing projects have a cost too. Let’s not forget the USB’s, lanyards, idea wallets, nifty swag items, and Conference bags.
Fees- Online Registration and Credit cards $50

Additional Value from SMS
SMS Trainers – Springer-Miller sends any ware from 20 -25 team members. To bring just one to your property can be as much as $1000 a day, and you have them for four days. $4000
SMS Dollars – Every full attendee at the HUG Conference receives SMS bucks! These SMS Dollars are good for new software or trainings after the conference. $500
SMS 1 on 1 – Nothing beats face to face time with the pros, Sessions are scheduled through SMS and fill fast. A great time to ask specific questions for which you are seeking a solution. $Priceless
Sand- box – Stop by kick the tires on SMS’s latest technologies or maybe you want to test something you saw in a session. $Priceless
SMS Dinner and party – It’s a wrap, celebrate with new and old friends. $200++
As you can see it really makes Sense for you and a couple of you co workers to attend this annual conference. Great networking with our vendor sponsors for that extra hospitality solution, unbelievable knowledge base of industry counter parts, and SMS pros. And let’s not forget the Value of staying in the 5 star rated property like The American Club with so many service ideas to take home and at only $149 a night. Register before 9/8 to get current pricing before rates go up. Look forward to seeing you in November.