Spring Time is Here
Spring is here, at least below 8000 feet, it seems that my bio started out with the two feet of new snow at the resort and April is ending pretty much the same ensuring skiing through Memorial Day. The board is headed to the Pacific Northwest for our quarterly meeting. Some agenda items included are an update on membership dues, conference mailer, conference budget finalization, and Pre-Grid Planning -AKA fun with post it notes.
After hours of fun with post-it notes, we then need to fill those sessions with content and leaders. Have you thought you might like to lead or moderate a session? Was there a session you thought was missing from last year's conference or would like to see? In recent years we have added a couple industry related sessions we thought were well received by the membership, is there a topic that might be of interest you would like to see covered? We have some feedback from the session comments and will take those into consideration, but this another opportunity to give your feedback. Please feel free to send your comments to me or Beata Hunt at bhunt@smshug.org . Remember session leaders get their conference registration fees waived. Our user group is driven by our membership and really relies on your participation.
There are a lot of "checks in the mail" for our membership dues. Please remind your accounts payable to send them along. In a greener effort next for next year, I would recommend that properties pre pay their 2015 dues when registering for the annual conference at Chateau Elan Winery and Resort, in Braselton, GA .