Volunteer; a verb meaning to freely offer to do something

By Jenn Craig
According to Wikipedia volunteering is when a group or individual provides their services for no financial gain to benefit another person, group or organization. I’m sure most of you have volunteered for something at some point in your life. Giving a coworker a ride to work who didn’t have a car that day, helping out down at the local food pantry, helping in the classroom at the local school. There are many ways most of us have volunteered our time over the years. There is something about helping someone else that just makes you feel good inside. Knowing that you are helping to make someone’s day better and easier that gives us that satisfaction that we have done something good for someone else. Sometimes it’s just a
little thing like giving that coworker a ride to work whose car might be in the shop. Or maybe you’re really dedicated and help your local Habitat for Humanity every free weekend you have to build a house for those who need the stability a good home provides. In my personal and professional life, I have always enjoyed volunteering for various things. I know it sounds cliche but it really does bring me such joy to know that I can do a little thing to help make something easier for someone else. I have spent countless hours in concession stands at school and the little league field in my local community. When at all possible I would bring my kids so they understood that we need to help each other and that everyone needs help at some point. My youngest got pretty good in the stands and ended up learning how to count back change without a machine!! At work we had a Relay for Life team and I was the captain for many years. I had some great volunteers. The Chef would stop by with some food. The Pastry Chef would stop by with cookies to sell and we always had hot cocoa and coffee which made our booth very popular. During Thanksgiving my family volunteered at our local Masonic Lodge for about 10 years serving those who could not afford dinner or were just by themselves for the holiday. Last year I decided to become a HUG Helper. How much fun it was to help out at the conference I had been attending for so many years. It gave me a little bit of a different perspective then just being an attendee. I had not realized how much work the board does to make the conference a success year after year. That was when I decided I wanted to run for the board. I wanted to help the organization that had helped me for so many years and give back. You have a fantastic group of people that volunteer their time to help make the conference what it is each year. I strongly suggest running if you feel this is for you. If you aren’t sure maybe start by being a HUG Helper and see where that takes you. Whatever your reason and whatever organization you feel fits you keep doing it. This world needs more people helping people. If you would like to become a HUG Helper even if it’s just for one session you don’t have a class to attend we are always looking for helpers. You can email me at jcraig@smshug.org. Look for more information to be sent closer to the meeting.